Silver Linings Playbook
If there’s one thing we learnt from The Fighter it’s that David O. Russell
excels at portraying domestic unrest, something which we find in spades in his
follow-up, Siler Linings Playbook. Bradley
Cooper plays a bi-polar ex-teacher struggling to come to terms with the end of
his marriage, while Jennifer Lawrence is the damaged soul who might just help
him move on via dance practice and morning jogs. Russell keeps things chatty
and quirky throughout but the uneven focus often strains our patience,
especially with a running time of 122 minutes. Nevertheless, Lawrence is a mesmerising
presence and even manages to out-act Robert DeNiro in one scene. Now that’s
Just about loved the movie from start to finish and even though it does get a bit conventional by the end, I still can’t lie and say that I didn’t have a big grin on my face the whole time. Good review Mike.